Monday, June 3, 2019

Multiple Objects Tracking Via Collaborative Background Subtraction Computer Science Essay

Multiple Objects Tracking Via Collaborative Background Subtraction computing machine Science EssayMultiple Objects Tracking Via Collaborative Background Subtraction. Object introduce musical arrangement is a group of integrated modern technology functional together to secure certain of purpose like monitoring, tracking mournful heading lens such as fomite. The main purpose of the disapprove tracking is to achieve monitoring purpose such surveillance in restricted area, providing in entropy formattingion about contemptible fomite located at road to Intelligent affair System and traffic monitoring. This project discusses the development of the mark tracking system and the idea of this system is based on fancy system getable on current market. For this object tracking system, user push aside monitor and track moving object such as vehicle where the vision system been placed. computer software system system product MATLAB is use to program algorithmic rule like dete cting and tracking moving object where the vision system is placed and pomp moving object count on for user.TABLE OF CONTENTSPage TITLEDECLARATION iABSTRACT iiABSTRAK iiiTABLE OF CONTENTS iv sway OF TABLES viiLIST OF FIGURE viiiLIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ixLIST OF TABLESTable No. Description PageTable 4.1 add up of tercet experiment conduct previously. 17LIST OF FIGURESPage insert 2.1 Example of Median Filtering, value of current pixel go forth replaced using new median value 5 fig 2.2 Normal presentation of a straight line 7 class 3.1 Relationship between webcam, MATLAB and GUI 11 render 3.2 F crushed of work for vehicle tracking system 12Figure 4.1 Logitech Quickcam Pro 4000 work out 14Figure 4.2 discover stopd for YCbCr cede comment space 15Figure 4.3 Image captured for grayscale relapse color space 16Figure 4.4 Image captured for grayscale return color space 17Figure 5.1 Example of pitch differencing 23Figure 5.2 Memory of cache been flush 24Figure 5.3 GUI window layout s end off 25Figure 6.1 Display ikon when there is no moving object 28Figure 6.2 Moving curtain cause by wind 28Figure 6.3 Moving stand fan motion. Frame demonstrate up from up to bottom and left to right. 31LIST OF ABBREVIATIONSCCD Charge-couple DeviceFPS Frames per SecondGUI Graphical User InterfaceID Identification NumberUSB Universal nonparallel BusVGA Video Graphics ArrayCHAPTER 1INTRODUCTIONOverviewObject tracking system is defined as a substantial condemnation vision system which is capable to commit desired surveillance task without human supervision (Nguyen, K. et al., 2002). Besides that, object tracking system is able to detect object which is moving in street such as vehicles or pedestrian without human assistance. Furthermore, an object tracking system may as well as send list of vehicle which is moving in desire area to assist info collection for Intelligent Transportation System (R. Reulke et al., 2002). This tracking system may as well have the abilities to r esist with environmental changes such as shadow of surrounding figure of speeching or rase slow moving vehicles. Therefore, a quick reception for vision fields such as real time street monitoring system which are able to perform moving object sensing. In this project, the main purpose is to design an object detection mechanism for an object tracking system, from connecting a vision system to a computer. The target is to build an applicable object tracking system.Object tracking system tail distinguish between static ambit and moving objects by itself and able to display and tracking moving objects if any moving objects detected. Hence, it allow us to monitor a heavy load street which having high volume of usage. Furthermore, it discharge contribute data collection if those areas contain Intelligent Traffic System which washstand reduce time of waiting for vehicle located at traffic begin.Since year 2000, mint candy of fast response time or accurate object detection algorit hm had been release such as circumstance implication, mean shift, Kalmen filter, Markov Chain three-card monte Carlo, Kernel Density and others.Object Tracking System consists of cardinal major systems which are vision system and moving object detection and tracking software system. The vision system is responsible to export characterization stream captured and send to tracking system. Meanwhile, the tracking system is to let user monitor and been inform if moving object detected. In this project, object tracking system provide be design and developed to ensure it is capable to detect and tracking moving object such as vehicles moving in street. Due to this, it could not effectively detect fast moving object, surrounding light enduringness is too low or shadow of building. As a result, the detection algorithm should fast enough to process each frame coming from vision system and can able to encounter problem stated before such as shadow surrounding and slow replying time by tracking system.Problem controversyThe current real time object tracking systems developed usually cannot eliminate having slow respond during tracking object which go forth frontier the hardihood of object tracking. Hence, the algorithm that able to having less computation time is necessary to be developed. Background subtraction at the initial detection will stay fresh computation time for faster response to detect an object in real time. To fetch more accurate tracking result, a more skillful detection and tracking algorithm will be carried out. It is believe to track the moving object using this algorithm will taking less time and providing more accurate result.ObjectiveThe aim of this project is to detect multiple moving objects through real time vision system. This projects aim can be realized by accomplishing the following sub-objectives.To study and identify practical parameters to track a moving object.To implement backdrop subtraction for real time detection purpose .To enhance the developed algorithm for continuous tracking purpose.To ascertain and enhance performance of develop background subtraction based tracking system.1.4 Scope of flexThe main scope of this project is to build an object tracking system capable of detect and track moving object. The object tracking system includes a vision system and an envision processing system. The jut processing system will able to detect moving objects and tracking it continuously.MATLAB control m-file will be acts as core of the object tracking system, it will be use as detect and track moving vehicle in video run by vision system. The vehicle tracking system will display in GUI window.Vision system will be use as a supplier to supply tracking system that video capture in desire area. This system should be footling enough so that it can be easily come in up or take away.Organization of the ReportThis report includes seven chapters, each chapter is properly divided and plan. Vision system and ob ject tracking system will be discussed in each chapter.Chapter 2 discussed about review of object tracking and detecting method available nowadays.Chapter 3 explains about flow of work deal for this tracking system, parameter require during tracking system is running, infix and output yellion and concept how to build this tracking system using vision system available in market.Chapter 4 explains hardware and software setup before this tracking system was start to run. This is to ensure vision system will supply appropriate video require for tracking system and MATLAB will provide suitable arrangement such as memory to process the video supply by vision system.Chapter 5 discuss about algorithm using in this project that is background subtraction using frame unlikeness. In this chapter, an M-file will be hiting and including function requires establishing the tracking system. The tracking system should able running using hardware and software setup preparing at previous chapter together with this M-file.Chapter 6 bespeak image output and result obtain during this tracking system is running. Firstly it will show successful background subtraction and sancti tho it will show distortion of surrounding such as shadow of object.Chapter 7 will summarizes and concludes the report by stating the limitations of the project as well as the future work of the project.CHAPTER 2review of object tracking and detecting method2.1 OverviewIn this chapter, review of existing method to detect and track object will be discussed. Algorithm that suitable for detect and tracking also will be studied. Several algorithms will be review by scholarly person.2.2 Median FilterMedian Filter, use to reduce small noise in an image is a commonly utilise technique (Al-amri, S.S et al., 2010). According re look for by Boyle, small noise normally appears very distinct and its having quite different value in grayscale within its populate pixel values. By changing its gray value to the m edian of neighboring pixel value, the noise can be eliminating using this technique. victimisation example in Figure 2.1, the value of neighboring pixels are 115, 119, 120,123, 124,125,126,127 and 150. By calculating median value using these neighbor pixels, we can obtain median value is 124. replace pixels in centre using median value will eliminate the noise.Figure 2.1 Example of Median Filtering, value of current pixel will be replaced using new median valueIn order to obtain more accurate median value, we should increasing number of neighbor which involve in median value calculating. This technique will become more and more intricate when dealing with bigger image. Besides that, computation cost and time require is relatively high because it rents to sort all value in neighbor.2.3 Canny Edge DetectorCanny introduce a well-known technique using perimeter detection (Neoh, H.S et al., 2005). This method requires few steps to track an object.Remove small noise using smooth a ima ge cardinal gradient images are generated on both vertical and horizontal direction using ane of the gradient operators based on previous image.Result denoted as Gx (m,n) and Gy(m,n) where m and n are pixel coordinate.Calculate edge magnitude and direction images from previous two images.Edge magnitude, M (m,n) =Edge direction,Threshold the edge magnitude image M (m, n). Set pixel to zero if their value below a predefined brink.Reduce edge breadth by non-maxima operation on MT (m, n) the non-zero pixels in MT (m, n) are set to zero if their value are not greater than their neighbors along the direction indicate by.Result is threshold using two identical thresholds T1 and T2 where T1Edge with a magnitude less than T1 will be removed and those greater than T2 are detect as real edge.Edges with magnitude between T1 and T2 also detected as edges if they connect to an edge pixel.2.4 Hough TransformThis technique detects object whose shape can be parameterized in a Hough parameter space (Gurbuz, A.C. et al., 2008).These objects include polynomials, straight line, circle and etc. The peaks detected in Hough parameter space is used to describe the object space.An example, line component can be described using a parametric notionWhere r is length of a normal from origin to this line and is orientation of r with respect to x-axis.Figure 2.2 Normal presentation of a straight lineUsing this normal presentation, we can transform the academic degrees on the line to curve in a Hough parameter space whose coordinates represent the normal length and orientation. Points which are on the line generate curves intersecting at a common point (r, ).2.5 CamShiftCamShift or Continuosly Adaptive Mean Shift track objects based their color. This technique was developed and detects an object using centre and size of the object in a given image (Ganoun, A. et al., 2006).Step of tracking an object is as followsSet the size of search window. initialise location of searching window.Locat ion of centroid within search window based on the 0th and first moment been computed.Search window is centered at the centroid.Step three and step for is repeated until it has move for length lee then a preset threshold.In order to use this technique, an identical color of object must be use. Hence, one object with complex color is not suitable for this technique.2.6 Kalman FilterThis algorithm is a state estimation based on feedback control mechanism (Donald, J.S. et al., 1998). This filter will predict the process state and then obtains feedback from the measurement.Equation for Kalman filter is divided to two groupsTime update equation.Measurement update equationsTime update equation is used to predict current state and computer error covariance. Output of these equations is a state of prediction for next time step. In the other hands, the measurement update equations consist a new measurement into their prior prediction. Output of this is an improved estimation compared to ot her estimation.However, Kalman Filter cannot detect fast moving object such as moving vehicle in higher(prenominal)way, this is because changes in speed, acceleration can be dramatic during two back-to-back frames.The Kalman filter is not fast enough to respond to constant and sudden changes of system rate. Hence, it is not suitable for detection purpose which require less computation time.2.7 Markov Chain Monte CarloMarkov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) is a class of algorithm for sampling from probability distributions based on constructing a Markov Chain that has desired distribution as its equilibrium distribution.In order to construct a Markov chain Monte Carlo, it must contain three main stages (Jia, Y.Q. et al., 2009)Model Construction.Image is first pre-processed to retrieve its edge features. Models of roads and vehicle also been defined according for this method.Bayesian formulation.Since vehicle detection and segmentation problem is casted as Bayesian problem of finding a MAP solution, a identical formulations been defined. Prior probability and like hood of vehicles proposal are defined from which the form of the posterior probability is derived to evaluate different proposals.Detect a vehicle using MCMC.Construct a Markov chain to sample the proposal in the parameter space. Monte Carlo method with simulated annealing been used to search for the put and other related parameters that fixed actual vehicles most.2.8 Background SubtractionIn background subtraction, two image been captured in same location will be compared. Assume first image did not contain any moving object (empty background) and next image contain one moving object. Minus the second image with first image will contain moving object only since background of image been subtracted (Fukushima, H. et al., 1991).The image is read as array format in the image processing, which each pixels is represented by matrix coordinates (x,y). The extravagance at position (x,y) is define by I (x,y).(4.1 )From Equation 4.1 Where lc, Ib, Is are the contributions from the spotlight objects and background objects respectively. In the image for the subtraction, the brightness is written as(4.2)The position adjustment between the two images is easily carried out by using the sidle up objects. In order to obtain the foreground object, the first image is subtracted from the second one which contains the foreground object as show in Equation 4.2.CHAPTER 3CONCEPTUAL DESIGN3.1 IntroductionMethod of how to detect and track object will discuss in this chapter. The vision system will capture video in a desire area and send that video to MATLAB for processing. The MATLAB will process data coming from vision system and performing tracking action.Figure below show the mechanism for vision system and MATLAB. The vision system includes webcam which can connect to a computer using USB. The MATLAB will get data from vision system and processing the data. After that, A GUI window will show moving obje ct if moving object exist capture by vision system.WebcamMATLABGUIFigure 3.1 Relationship between webcam, MATLAB and GUIMATLAB been chosen as platform for detecting and tracking referable to it contain healthy toolbox which can use to synchronize with webcam and can produce a simple detect and track vehicle tracking program. Besides that, it also can produce a GUI window which is requiring for the tracking system.3.2 Flow Chart of WorkIn this section, flow of work requires detecting and tracking moving object will be further discussed. Frame differencing will be using to subtract the background and obtain the masking of moving object. In order to obtain more accurate result, a more accurate algorithm will be use to track moving object.Input Video Frame from television cameraPre-processingStore the current frame as backgroundSubtract the next frame with background imageSave into memoryUpdate current frame as backgroundDisplay moving object and track it continuously.Figure 3.2 Flow of work for object tracking system3.3 DiscussionIn this chapter, limn and prototype of tracking system been discussed. In order to achieve this objective, the tracking system will be build based on conceptual design discussed previously.In the following chapter, pre-processing will be elaborated and method to connect webcam with MATLAB will be show. Preparation configuration also will discuss in details.CHAPTER 4Hardware and Software Setup4.1 OverviewHardware and software setup is defined as a preparation before a simulation is set up in either hardware (tools or instrument) or software (simulation program, programming language) by designer. A setup describes a system will be perfectly connecting between hardware and software to achieve certain mission. Engineer use a tools or instrument that either ready in market or design it according to their requirement. In other way, software such as scientific program also available in market, all that railroad engineer need to do is fully utilize the program by design an efficient flow which can achieve their expectation. Engineer can develop a surveillance system and by using a mathematical modeling to analyze and obtain object which is moving from view of camera.In this chapter, hardware and software setup is carried out for the design of a street monitoring system. It includes the connecting webcam to MATLAB which will let MATLAB ready to get real time video recording from webcam, M-file cryptograph which contain algorithm to extract background which is static from object (vehicles or pedestrians) which is moving. Lastly, is to show image which is moving after process of background subtraction been kill in form of GUI.4.2 Tools and SoftwareIn this section, tools and software using along this project will be describe in details of how they contribute in this project. Tools using in this project is a webcam which can connect to computer via USB 2.0 connection, it can either capture a static picture or even recordi ng a video which can be treat as real time recording device. Software using in this project is MATLAB R2009a. In MATLAB R2009a, toolbox which will be use to develop this street surveillance system is Image learnedness Toolbox and Image Processing Toolbox. Image Acquisition Toolbox will be use to establish a real time recording from webcam and delivered to MATLAB. In other hands, Image Processing Toolbox will be use to process continuous frames capture which is stored in MATLAB and show moving object which is process by using background subtraction.4.2.1 WebcamIn this project, student will use Webcam which is product of Logitech with model Logitech Quick Cam Pro 4000.Figure 4.1 Logitech Quickcam Pro 4000 ImageSource Logitech Software Support (2010)Logitech Quick Cam Pro is a webcam that able to capture video in 640 x 480 resolutions and able to snapshot a picture with 1280 x 960 resolutions. Besides that, it also contains a build in microphone which able to record sounds around that webcam been located and activated. Video capture from this webcam is using advance VGA CCD sensor and up to 30 fps. (Logitech, 2004)In order to canvas different video remark format, student tried several video stimulus format available for this vision system such as YCbCr, grayscale and RGB. These three return color space been chosen due to vision system using at here, Logitech Quick Cam Pro 4000 only support these three return color space.Three experiments will be performing to choose the suitable return color space from YCbCr, grayscale and RGB. In each experiment, three cases will be using to test different light intensity towards an object (battery) that is low, normal and high.For low light intensity, surrounding of image captured should be dark enough. Normal light intensity test will be performing at inner space with medium light intensity and camera should not point toward a direction with strong light source such as sun or spotlight. In the last case, camera will be cap ture image in direction towards strong light source such as torchlight.These experiments will be tested using webcam connect to MATLAB and executing command codes. Summarize of three experiment will be included in Table 4.1.Experiment 1 Using YCbCr as video input format and display as figure.After webcam is connecting to MATLAB, code as below will be executing to perform the test.vid = videoinput(winvideo,1)set(vid,ReturnedColorSpace,YCbCr)preview(vid)From Figure 4.2(a), image obtained almost in dark due to low intensity of light surrounding object. Image can be seeing using human eyes in clear view for Figure 4.2(b). For last case, object still can consider as clear although white spot cause by strong light source located at upside of Figure 4.2(c).(a) (b) (c)Figure 4.2 Image captured for YCbCr return color space(a) Low light intensity (b) Normal light intensity (c) High light intensityFrom this experiment, this return color space is potential to be used in this project. It does no t lose color property and only having small changes of color during in high light intensity situation.Experiment 2 Using grayscale as video input format and display as figure.To perform this experiment, previous video object should delete from MATLAB workspace and executing following code.vid = videoinput(winvideo,1)set(vid,ReturnedColorSpace,YCbCr)preview(vid)From both Figure 4.3(b) and Figure 4.3(c), we can see that color property of object only left color, that is black and white. Furthermore, Figure 4.3(c) does not have problem of overexpose. Same as previous, object hard to see in Figure 4.3(a).(a) (b) (c)Figure 4.3 Image captured for grayscale return color space(a) Low light intensity (b) Normal light intensity (c) High light intensityAlthough performance in discourse high light intensity is better, this return color will not consider at this moment since color property of decrease that will limit the improvement of algorithm that may need color property.Experiment 3 Using RG B as video input format and display as figure. (Default returned color space in MATLAB)Since default setting for this webcam is RGB, after delete video object built in previous experiment, a new video input is create and preview directly. No return color space should be set.vid = videoinput(winvideo,1)preview(vid)It is not possible to capture image in dark environment at Figure 4.4(a). Figure 4.4(b) can represent each color of object with details. Furthermore, this return color space did not show problem of overexpose, as in Figure 4.4(c).(a) (b) (c)Figure 4.4 Image captured for grayscale return color space(a) Low light intensity (b) Normal light intensity (c) High light intensityFrom this experiment, it is clear to show that this return color is most suitable for this project among three return color space. It does not lose color property and still can encounter overexpose problem.Table 4.1 Summarize of three experiments conduct previously.PropertyYCbCrGrayscaleRGBAble to detect o bject in low light intensityNoNoNoColor ReturnedMulti colorBlack and whiteMulti colorAble to encounter overexposePartiallyNoYesFrom Table 4.1, we can conclude RGB is the most suitable since from human visual view, grayscale return color space will lose its color characteristic since it will threshold the figure into black and white, we will unable to further recognize an object exist in frame of view due its unique characteristic such as color. YCbCr can be defined as a way to encode RGB information, thus using RGB will keep original characteristic remain unchanged. Using RGB, we still can develop other usage of it.Since return color space using is RGB, which is default in toolbox. We can ignore the set return color space in MATLAB coding during deduction the video input object.Initially, an object will be created to get input from webcam using following MATLAB command, obj = videoinput(winvideo,1) where 1 is ID number of camera input. After this MATLAB command is execute, an objec t named as obj will be store in workspace of MATLAB.In order to let the video input object continuously acquire the data, student has to instruct MATLAB by command as followingtriggerconfig(obj, manual)set(obj, Tag, appTitle, FramesAcquiredFcnCount, 1, TimealrFcn, locFrameCallback, TimerPeriod, 0.01)4.2.2 MATLAB M-fileInitially, we have to associate object (video input object) with figure in GUI of MATLAB, if it is already existed, we will use it or else create a new one.ud = get(obj, UserData)if isempty(ud) isstruct(ud) isfield(ud, figureHandles) ishandle(ud.figureHandles.hFigure)appdata.figureHandles = ud.figureHandlesfigure(appdata.figureHandles.hFigure)elseappdata.figureHandles = localCreateFigure(obj, appTitle)endAn empty array with unset dimension and value will be used to store what the video input object needs in terms of application data.appdata.background = obj.UserData = appdataFunction named as imaqmotion which contain MATLAB command will be compile together and compi le to ensure no error detect. In order to execute this function, user can create a video input object and executed it by named of function follow by name of video input object in bracket.4.2.3 Error Catching in M-fileTo balk MATLAB contain an existing video input object is running, a stop instruction will be included in M-fie.stop(obj)This is to ensure that only one new desire video input object will be use to perform the monitoring process. Besides that, MATLAB will show a monition if frame import from webcam takes too long returning. This warning can be skipped by usingwarning off imaqpeekdatatooManyFramesRequestedMATLAB will stop responding and quit improperly if error that unpredicted occur during the process. Thus, we have catch the error and only pop out a warning message to indicate user that error been occur and MATLAB can stop the execution of function gracefully.catcherror(MATLABimaqmotionerror, sprintf(IMAQMOTION is unable to run properly.n%s, lasterr))end4.3 Discussion In this chapter, student demonstrates how a MATLAB connect with webcam and import real time recording to MATLAB. Follow by preparing an environment where declared video input object will be store in workspace of MATLAB, where this object can be use to start the core of project, subtract object from static background. Steps mention before is to ensure user can executed several step in one simple instruction which is store in MATLAB M-file. In the next chapter, student will show how two consecutive frames being compare and spot which is not belong to previous frame (declare as background of frame) in same location of matrices will be show in MATLAB GUI.CHAPTER 5BACKGROUND SUBTRACTION USING FRAME DIFFERENCE5.1 OverviewTo achieve objective of this project, detect object which is moving from the view of vision system, we need develop a monitoring system which able to distinguish moving object and static background. This can be done using writing an algorithm using different language such as C programming, Open CV or MATLAB.In this chapter, background subtraction using frame difference will be implementing along this project to subtract the background. Background subtraction is a general method where as frame difference is a subset of background subtraction which compare the current frame with previous frame and any pixel not belongs to previous frame is consider as moving object. This method been chosen due to its simple operation and can reduce time require to process those frames import from vision system. Frame use as background will be store as array with constant array which contain information of pixel. This array will use as reference, in another, as a background of image which will be compared with next frame capture by vision system in variable of array. After two frames are being compared by using differencing method, object which consider as moving should be show in a window. Due to simple subtraction method, delay in video processing can be reduced.Thos e functions contain above ability will be include in M-file. Those instructions will be include in different function so that it can be executed according to flow of project. These include localFrameCallback (a function to update image display by video input object), localUpdateFig (function that update GUI window using latest data), localCreateFigure (function that create and initialize figure), localCreateBar (function that create and initialize bar display).5.2 Initialize and Creating a Background ImageThis section is basically disc

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